时间:2019-05-27 16:23:31 来源: 阅读(577)
例句1: It is difficult to conceive of vigorous economic growth without an efficient transport system.
conceive of 想像=imagine(在写作当中,我们经常用“很难想象……”来表达缺少一个重要事物会带来的严重后果。不过一说到“想像”,我们脑海中第一个出现的词应该就是imagine了,那么升级成“it is difficult to conceive of...”是不是有那么一点点炫酷和与众不同,收了它吧!)
vigor n. 生机,活力——adj. vigorous=energetic有活力的,精力充沛的,用来描述经济发展vigorous economic growth,是不是让我们瞬间嫌弃a developed economy 或者the rapid development of economy?
例句2: For passenger transport, the determining factor is the spectacular growth in car use.
解析:spectacular=dramatic, impressive, conspicuous 壮观惊人,引人入胜。除了dramatic, 其他的表示“大幅”增长或者减少的表达,是不是各个都引人入胜,所以请抛弃dramatic,让我们用spectacular, impressive, conspicuous向考官证明我们的词汇也是水平的。
例句3: The number of cars on European Union roads saw an increase of three million cars each year from 1990 to 2010, and in the next decade the EU will see a further substantial increase in its fleet.
解析:substantial大幅度的,大量的,收获了spectacular, impressive, conspicuous,再来一枚substantial,反正以后不要再说dramatic就好啦!
further:小词大用。学了一段时间英语发现,很多大词难词只要多背就能认识和应用的差不多,但唯独介词,万能动词或者语义特别多的小词很难驾驭。但是,往往这样的小词如果要是能用准用对,才是语言能力的真正提高。在此,a further substantial increase进一步,更大程度的大幅增长,=continue to increase substantially。“重点体会,刻意应用”是掌握该类词汇应有的技能。
例句4: The distribution between modes has tipped sharply in favor of road transport since the 1990s.
tip:一词多义。“尖端,末端”“建议”“小费”等等,句子中tip显然是一个动词,理解为倾斜:tip sharply in favor of明显倾向于。
例句5: In 1998, energy consumption in the transport sector was to blame for 28% of emissions of CO2, the leading greenhouse gas.
leading 表示主要的,占主导地位的(来自于lead)=dominant,在leading面前,像important这样的词就显得苍白空洞了。(ps:在比重类图表作文中,表达比重较大的概念。)
例句6: Road transport is the main culprit since it alone accounts for 84% of the CO2 emissions attributable to transport.
attributable to=due to由于
例句7: It could help to achieve greater uncoupling than the first?approach , but road transport would keep the lion's share of the market and continue to concentrate on saturated arteries, despite being the most pollution of the modes.
解析:lion字面意思大家都很熟悉“狮子”,在动物届,一个狮群是以雄狮为核心,多个雌狮合作猎食,对一个区域的资源进行占有和使用的群体,通常其管理范围是比较大的。因此keep the lion's share表示占据比较大的比重,是不是比account for a bigger share生动许多?