
首页 > 申请指导> 中国考生雅思写作都在5.5上下波动,问题到底出在哪?


时间:2019-09-05 11:00:14 来源: 阅读(1389)


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(一)task achievement



Some people think that the best way to reduce time spent in travelling to work is to replace parks and gardens close to the city center with apartment buildings for commuters, but others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (2019年4月6日)




(二)coherence and cohesion


语言的组织需要合适的连接词,但是用的过多,也会扣分,比如:中间段每段都使用First, Second, Last but not least;To begin with, Moreover, Furthermore。这些词不能展示考生能灵活使用语言。当然,7.0分以下可以接受这样的连词堆砌。

其次,句间新旧信息衔接也是连贯的重要方面,学生难以体会。*[ *另推文详解。]

(三)lexical resource


词汇必须字字高端。good,bad,important,I think等这些表达太低端了。来看这段:

In conclusion, I think this is a very good idea, and I hope this programme will be put into action for high schools/colleges shortly.*[ *Cambridge English IELTS 9 P165]

这是Band 8的结尾段,也并没有都动用大词,因为考官考察的是“topic vocabulary/phrases”,就是话题词组。雅思写作可以分为旅游,环境,犯罪,科技,教育,家庭,健康,文化,就业,政府等常考话题,使表达更加地道,而不是万能模板。看下面段落*[ *选自一大三学生第一次大作文作业。]:


(四)grammatical range and accuracy



As a consequence, one of the most indispensable occurrence to the modern human beings which can help them escape from the oppression and anxiety, both of which are caused by their busy daily life, is having a rest during the holiday, which does not manifest that the culture behind them would be forgotten. Only when they still keep the customs and traditions at the same time can they enjoy their relaxing holidays showing the importance of festival to them.*[ *选自一大三学生第二次大作文作业。]

曾经考官吐槽过中国学生雅思写作晦涩难懂的句子,分数很低,因为道理很简单-“difficlut to understand”!考官曾给出的建议是:每个句子最好不要超过30个单词;长短句结合。

逻 辑

(一)Slippery slope

Children playing online games may learn to kill and fight, which causes more violence in real life like robbery, fighting and killing. As a result, the society will become a place in which individual safety is threatened and national security is put in danger.*[ *选自一高三学生大作文作业。]

(二)Appeal to authority

As the influential Chinese philosopher Confucius said, it does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. So hard work is important for personal success.*[ *选自学生作业。]

中 式 英 语


1.A variety of measures should be taken to increase living standards of people in poor areas.

2.The solutions to environmental problems can be found only through individual and government effort.*[ *ibid.]

3.Parents should provide guidance to children who may be easy to be affected by negative social impacts like gabling and drug abuse.*[ *ibid.]


1.Due to poverty, children will walk on the road of crime.*[ *ibid.]

2.If myriad of young children have access to do somethings that are within their capacities, there is no doubt that it will save a large amount of money which are planned to use in these areas, which means those budgets can be responsible for other fields, for instance, education, medical and technology.*[ *选自一研究生学生第一次作业。]






